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सेक्सी भिडियो हरु हेर्न तल को बक्स मा क्लिक गर्नुहोश .

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Monday, June 20, 2016

ditya Dahal, a four year old boy, from Kathmandu is on the headlines of Nepali media these days. Media has named him Google Boy of Nepal as he seems to answer questions unanswerable regarding his age.

Some even claim that he is more than a Google boy. Something miraculous is going on within him.
They say contemporary science hasn’t been able to explain the phenomenon going on within him.


Let’s go through why he could be a miracle for the 21st century and how he could be a puzzle science needs to solve.

Things that tell that Aditya Dahal could be a miracle
Aditya was a normal baby till he was two and a half. Then, he lost his ability of normal speech and movement.

1. His parents never thought of admitting him into school as he can neither talk nor even sit without help.

2. About two months back, the parents found that he could write though no one in the family had taught him how to read or writ

-Breking News..गुगल बोइ आदित्य दाहालको अर्को नयाँ भविष्यवाणीबाट भारत त्रसित...(भिडियो हेर्नुहोस)..



सेक्सी भिडियोहरु हेर्न तल बक्स मा क्लिक गर्नुहोश

सेक्सी भिडियोहरु हेर्न तल बक्स मा क्लिक गर्नुहोश