Sushma Karki’s tattoo had been quite controversial. The censor board had objected the tattoo on her chest and the one with her boyfriend’s name caused her problem when they broke up. The following poster of ‘Bindaas’ shows Sushma’s tattoo.
Sushma karki tattoo on bindaas_poster
Actress Arunima Lama also has a lot of tattoos on her body. Suvekshya Thapa has recently got a new tattoo like that of Sushma Karki and Karishma Manandhar. Suvekshya’s tattoo reads ‘I love Nepal’ and she has two Nepali flag on her chest.
Another actress and model who has tattoo is Sagun Shahi. The model has a sentence in her wrist. Mausami Malla hasn’t shown her tattoo yet, so we don’t know what her tattoo looks like.
Do you know other actresses who have tattoo on their bodies? Please comment.