There are many thoughts of people on the topic. Many yoga experts and scientists say that while eating with hand the fingers and thumb of hand create a mudra which helps keep our body healthy. Food experts say that the task of cooking food is also related on emotional science. While cooking and serving the food contains the love of the person who cooked and served the food. Studies say that the satisfaction that we get by eating with hand is not found while eating with spoon or fork. According to ayurveda food eaten with hands is more nutritious and healthy.
While smashing food with hand and taking it in hand concentration is created. It is also known as mind foot setting. Similarly eating with hand is more beneficial than eating with spoon or fork. There are many other benefits of mind foot setting. The main one is that in the food consumed this way the nutritious of the food are easily absorbed by the body. According to natural science when we eat with hand we are able to mix the food in the plate properly. If we eat with spoon that happens only in the stomach. When the work of stomach is done by hand the digestion process improves and decreases the pressure on stomach. Problems like constipation, indigestion and burping are cured.
When we eat with spoon we do not know if the food is cooked properly. Is it hot or cold? But when we eat with hand we can know about it. It informs the brain to excrete the appropriate digestive fluid as per the kind of food. This can also help body to absorb the nutrition of the food hands